Seminar: Applications and Extensions of Timed Systems

  • Typ: Seminar (S)
  • Lehrstuhl: KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Informatik - Fakultätseinrichtungen - Geschäftsführung
  • Semester: WS 23/24
  • Dozent: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maike Schwammberger
  • LVNr.: 2400192
  • Hinweis: Anmeldung via SignMeUp

Many of the (embedded) software systems we are confronted with in everyday life have time-critical functionalities. For example, in the event of an accident, an airbag should be activated within a specific, very short, period of time. As another example: we expect fast response times from our smartphones so that we can use them conveniently and purposefully.
When modeling software systems, "time" is therefore a decisive factor. In this seminar, various mechanisms to formalise and analyse so-called real-time systems are discussed. The lecture also focuses on applications of timed systems. For instance, the following topics are dealt with:

  • Timed Games
  • Applications of Timed Automata (e.g. UPPAAL in Space)
  • Synthesising Strategies using UPPAAL Stratego
  • Duration Calculus (e.g. Satisfiability, Calculus)
  • Interval Temporal Logic vs Duration Calculus

The module will consist of an introductory lecture part, where some basic topics around timed systems are introduced. For the second half of the module, the students will prepare papers and topic talks each in teams of two students. Aditionally, a conference-style peer-review process for the papers is planned amongst the students. It is also expected that the students actively discuss their topics with their fellow students.
